
马玉霞,女,博士,教授,博士生导师。2007年6月毕业于兰州大学大气科学学院,获理学博士学位。主要研究方向为天气、气候变化及其影响;极端天气气候;大气污染及其影响等。2007年8月至今在大气科学学院任教,主讲《天气学原理》、《天气学分析》和《天气预报综合实习》等主干课程,参与编写《医学气象学》和《沙尘暴灾害》。承担课程在本科生教学水平评估中多次排全校前十名。翻译IGBP Report IGAC Plan and Implementation Strategy;参与第三次国家气候变化评估报告中气候变化与健康内容。先后主持或参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学青年基金、国家公益性行业专项、科技部国家重大专项、科技部“全球环境变化应对技术研究与示范”专项、科技部健康服务专题、中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金、甘肃省科技攻关计划项目等20余项,发表论文60余篇,其中SCI(EI)论文20篇。
2014荣获“第八届全国优秀青年气象科技工作者”奖;2016年入选“?政见习基金”导师库;2019年获 “兰州大学优秀本科论文指导教师”;现任中国气象学会医学气象学委员会秘书长,为International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC), International Society of Biometeorology (ICB), American Geophysical Union (AGU) 等会员。2014-2015年“国家留学基金委西部项目”资助在美国内布拉斯加州大学进行了访问研究。
1.Ma Y.,* Ma B., Jiao H., et al. The influencing of local meteorology and pollutants on ozone change in Lanzhou, China by using the generalized additive model. Atmospheric Environment 2020, 224:117342.
2.Ma Y.,* Jiao H., Zhang Y., et al. Impact of temperature change between neighbouring days on COPD in Changchun, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2020, 27:4849-4857.
3.Ma Y.,* Jiao H., Zhang Y., et al. The effect of extreme temperature indexes on hospital emergency room visits for circulatory system disease in Beijing, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2020.
4.Ma Y.,* Yang S., Yu Z., et al. Effect of diurnal temperature range on outpatient visits for common cold in Shanghai, China. Environ. Sci. & Pollut Res. 2020, 27:1436-1448.
5.Ma Y.,* Yang S., Yu Z., et al. A study on the short-term impact of fine particulate matter pollution on the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2019, 215:1-7.
6.Ma Y., * Yu Z., Jiao H., et al. Effect of PM2.5 on hospital visits for children asthma in Shanghai, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2019, 26: 27832-27841.
7.Ma Y.,* Zhou J., Yang S., et al, 2019. Effects of extreme temperatures on outpatient visits for respiratory diseases in Beijing, China. Environ Sci Pollut Res, (26):3055-3064. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-3855-4.
8.Ma Y.,* Yang S., Zhou, J., et al, 2018. Effect of ambient air pollution on emergency room admissions for respiratory diseases in Beijing, China, Atmospheric Environment, 191:320-327.
9.Ma Y.,* Zhao Y., Zhou J., et al, 2018. The Relationship between Diurnal Temperature Range and COPD hospital admissions in Changchun China. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 2018, 25(18):17942-17949. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-2013-3.
10.Ma Y.,* Zhao Y, Yang S, et al, 2017. Short-term effects of ambient air pollution on emergency room admissions due to cardiovascular causes in Beijing, China. Environmental Pollution 230:974-980.
11.Ma Y.,* Zhou J., Yang S., et al, 2017. Assessment for the impact of dust events on measles incidence in Western China. Atmospheric Environment, 157:1-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.03.010.
12.Ma Y.,* Zhang H., Zhao Y., et al, 2017. Short term effects of air pollution on daily hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases in western China. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 24(6): 14071-14079. DOI:10.1007/s11356-017-8971-z.
13.Ma Y.,* Xiao B., Liu C., et al, 2016.Association between ambient air pollution and emergency room visits for respiratory diseases in spring dust season in Lanzhou, China. Int. J. Environmetnal Research and Public Health, 13, 613. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph13060613.
14.Zhang Y., Wang S., Ma Y., et al, 2015. Association between ambient air pollution and hospital emergency admissions for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in Beijing: a Time series study. Biomed Envioron Sci, 2015, 28(5):352-363.
15.Ma Y. 2013. Characteristics and Causes of air pollution in Lanzhou, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 260-261:P808-81.
16.冯风流、张艺凡、焦浩然、程博文,马玉霞*,兰州市低温对呼吸系统疾病的影响研究。中国环境科学, 2020, 40 (4): 1782-1791 (EI)
17.周建丁,马玉霞*,杨丝絮,虞志昂,马秉吉.最高气温对呼吸系统就诊人次的影响,中国环境科学, 2019, 39(1): 372-380.(EI)
21.马秉吉,马玉霞*等,兰州市近地面臭氧污染分布特征,环境保护科学,2019, 45(3):1-7
24.郑晓东,马玉霞*,温度对长春市心脑血管疾病的影响研究,温度对长春市心脑血管疾病的影响研究, 2018,,34:104-108.
Conference presentation:
1.Ma Y., Zhao Y., Zhou J., et al. Spatial-temporal Distributions of Several Infectious Diseases in Different Climate Zones in Western China.2017, International Congress of Biometeorology (2017ICB), 3-6, Sep, UK.
2.Ma Y., Xiao B., Zhao Y., et al. Effect of Air Pollution on Respiratory Diseases in Western China. 16EMS Annual meeting & 11th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC), 12-16, Sep, Italy.
3.Ma Y., Xiao B., Zhao Y., et al. Extreme Heat events during 1971-2011 in Xi’an, China. 2016 Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (2016 JpGU), 22-26, May, Japan.
4.Ma Y., Xiao B. Impact of heat wave on mortality in Nanjing. 2014 International Congress of Biometeorology (2014ICB), 28, Sep to 1 Oct, USA.